Monday, November 5, 2007

Week 8, #18 - Social Networking

I enjoy social networking sites because they allow me to keep up with some of my friends who I may not be able to keep up with otherwise. However, most of the people I wish to share my photos and family/work, etc. life with are not too computer literate. Having them actually set up an account, create a profile, join my "network," etc. would take me hopping on a plane and doing it myself. Obviously this is not feasible.

One downside of social networking sites is the effect they can have on youth. I know a few kids who have been in trouble and who are trying to turn their lives around, but one problem they have is always coming into contact with old friends on MySpace or whatever site they use. A lot of the pictures I've seen of kids are completely inappropriate. Kids doing drugs, kids without much clothing, kids flashing gang signs, etc. There is also the fact that these sites can be addicting and kids spend hours on them. I'm sure there are better things to be doing. Of course there are also weirdos. Let's not forget the weirdos. I think parents would do well to limit and supervise their children while on the pc. I know I will.

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