Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Week 4, #9 - Finding Feeds

I briefly went through the provided rss feed search links. I think Bloglines is probably my favorite although it took me awhile to remember the e-mail account and password I used to sign up previously. I browsed through their 200 most popular feeds and found one from It fits my theme :-) There was not much time, but I did not find a way to limit the search on Topix to only feeds which was annoying. I found Syndic8's page to be kind of ugly and boring. Despite the plainness, they manage to display a lot of useless information like "5 most recent actions" and "10 newest users," not helping with information overload. Who cares about the last 10 people to sign up? Technorati is good for finding blogs specifically. As for unusual feeds, there is a feed that has all of the flickr photos tagged "odd."

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